Coast: A Group Exhibition

19 April - 10 May 2025 Aldeburgh

We have had great pleasure in putting together a group exhibition which is incorporating work in different media and execution but with a coastal theme.  We have chosen quite a few new artists, or new to Thompson’s, for this and are delighted at the wonderful variety of work we have received.  It is always interesting giving artist a title to work towards as it really highlights the different ideas and interpretations which adds to a broad selection of beautiful art.  We are particularly excited about the intriguing work carefully planned and completed by Nils Lagergren.  Lagergren is a contemporary Swedish artist whose mixed media sculptures explores how time impact our lives causing aging and alteration around us.  We also have new work by the wonderful artist Oona Campbell who is one of the UK’s most successful landscape painters and a very impressive and romantic seascape looking towards Jura will be one of the stars of the exhibition as well as some smaller fresh and beautifully painted views towards the sea.  We are also venturing into some photography and will be showing underwater scenes by the highly awarded and acclaimed photographer Cathy Holmes.  Their spellbinding imagery together with her wonderful eye for composition and subject is a magical combination.