40th Annual Exhibition
Past exhibition
Hashim AkibBorough MarketAcrylic on canvas26.5 x 22.5 "Sold
Rachel Arif AMAFAGarden Flowers in Glass, StudyOil on Fabriano Paper10 x 6.75 "
Rachel Arif AMAFALoch Glass Pink HouseOil on canvas25 x 25 "Sold
Rachel Arif AMAFAOlive and SnowdropsOil on Fabriano Paper12 x 8 "
Rachel Arif AMAFAPurple Flowers and Vintage Staffordshire PotteryOil on Fabriano Paper11 x 8 "
Rachel Arif AMAFASolitudeOil on Fabriano Paper11 x 9 "Sold
Muriel Barclay, Noted
Muriel Barclay, Pearl Earring
Muriel BarclayRising Noteoil on canvas16 x 14 "Sold
Harry BriocheEnchanted EveningOil on board12 x 12 "Sold
Harry BriocheEvening Fanfareoil on board12 x 12 "Sold
Harry BriocheSliding SkiesOil on board12 x 12 "Sold
Ollie Le BrocqOrange SegmentAcrylic on panel20 x 20 "
Ollie Le BrocqThe CutOil over acrylic on panel29.5 x 19.5 "
Chris BuckNobody's PromiseBronze11 x 3.5 x 3 "
Chris Buck, Touched the Sky APII
Michael Canney (1923-1999)Casole d'elsa IMixed Media3 x 6 "
Michael Canney (1923-1999)Casole d'elsa IIMixed Media3 x 6 "
Gail Catlin, Birds in Flight Blue
Jessica Cooper RWA29 Roses, 2022Acrylic on canvas32 x 34 "Sold
Jessica Cooper RWAFire Starter, First painting of 22, 2022Acrylic on canvas9 x 13 "
Jessica Cooper RWAOh Heavenly ThingAcrylic on canvas15 x 30 "
Jessica Cooper RWASteps Towards You, 2022Acrylic on canvas13 x 13 "
Jane Corsellis NEAC RWS RCAStonewareWatercolour14 x 15 "
Jane Corsellis NEAC RWS RCASweet Williams and Sweet PeasOil7 x 10 "
Jane Corsellis NEAC RWS RCAThe Studio TableWatercolour14 x 19 "
Anne CotterillDaisy & Snails Shelloil on board8 x 8 "Sold
Anne CotterillDamson & Worcester Pearmain Apples and Japanese Anemonesoil on board19 x 24 "Sold
Anne CotterillSnowdrops and Catkinsoil on board8 x 9 "Sold
Fred Cuming RABrighton Pier, 2004Oil on board30 x 30 "£ 12,500.00
Fred Cuming RAStudio InteriorOil on board24 x 24 "Sold
David Curtis ROI RSMAA Glimpse of Sun, CromerOil on board9 x 11 "
David Curtis ROI RSMAEstuary Moorings, WellsOil on board6.5 x 9.5 "
David Curtis ROI RSMAReceding Tide, Morston QuayOil on board11.5 x 15.5 "
David Curtis ROI RSMASunlit Rooftops, Kilmory, ArgyllOil on board6.2 x 9.5 "
David Curtis ROI RSMAThe Morning CatchOil on canvas18 x 23 "
Neil Cuthbert BCA(Hons), Grad. Dip. Ed., MFAArtemis and EndymionOil on canvas19.5 x 25 "
Neil Cuthbert BCA(Hons), Grad. Dip. Ed., MFADaphneOil on canvas26 x 28 "
Neil Cuthbert BCA(Hons), Grad. Dip. Ed., MFAThe Golden Apple TreeOil on canvas19.5 x 25 "
Neil Cuthbert BCA(Hons), Grad. Dip. Ed., MFAThe Landing PartyOil on canvas48 x 72 "
Tony de WolfSatsumas and Ginger JarOil on board12 x 16 "Sold
Damien HirstSereneButterflies and household gloss on paper17 x 14 "£ 4,000.00
Marion Drummond PAI, Little Blue Jug
Marion Drummond PAIWhite Rosesoil on board18 x 24 "Sold
Anthony FrostAbstractMixed media23 x 25 "Sold
Sir Terry Frost RABrown Figure, ed.19/30, 1957Lithograph19 x 27 "Sold
James FullartonRed Poppies in a White JugOil on canvas20 x 24 "Sold
Alan FurneauxMarazionOil on canvas28 x 36 "Sold
Alan Furneaux, Marazion Beach with St Michaels Mount, (Plein Air)
Alan Furneaux, Swimming off the promenade. Torquay (Plein Air)
Alan Furneaux, Torquay Promenade with Palm and Olive Tree (Plein Air)
Brita Granström, Blow Away the Morning Dew
Brita GranströmBlue Jug and SycamoreAcrylic on canvas23.5 x 27.5 "Sold
Brita GranströmMay You Have Fair WindsAcrylic on canvas23.5 x 23.5 "
Brita GranströmMorning GloryAcrylic on canvas12 x 12 "
Brita GranströmSailor's DelightAcrylic on canvas23.5 x 27.5 "Sold
Brita GranströmSpring EquinoxAcrylic on canvas12 x 12 "
Brita GranströmTureen and MuscariAcrylic on canvas16 x 20 "Sold
Nael HannaCrimson CloudsOil on board20 x 30 "
Nael HannaCrystal WatersOil on board20 x 30 "
Nael HannaWashed CreelsOil on board20 x 30 "
James HarriganA Burgundy VineyardOil on board20 x 24 "Sold
James HarriganLochranza Castle, Isle of ArranOil on board20 x 30 "
James HarriganSwallows and BeehivesOil on board24 x 20 "
Clare Haward NEACHeadland WalesOil on linen laid down on board11.5 x 16 "£ 1,300.00
Clare Haward NEACRoman Campagna, (Civita)Oil on linen laid down on board11.5 x 16 "£ 1,200.00
Clare Haward NEACStill Life at SeaOil on linen laid down on board10 x 12 "Sold
Richard HollidayBalancedAncaster weather bed limestone35 x 20 x 5 "
Richard HollidayFishPortugese limestone28 x 7.5 x 9.5 "Sold
Peter HowsonCity LightsOil on paper7 1/2 x 11 1/2 "
Angela HunterAlpaca Head 'Pearly Popstar'. ed.1/15Resin bronze20 x 9 x 8.5 "Sold
Angela HunterRam's Head (Blackfaced breed) ed.2/15Bronze21 x 14.5 x 13 "£ 6,500.00
Graham Webber ROI IEALight on the Horizon, Pin MillOil on board16 x 24 "Sold
Graham Webber ROI IEA, Thames Barges on the Orwell
Jacqueline L Rizvi RBA RWS NEACMarch Sea 1Oil on canvas8 x 10 "
Jacqueline L Rizvi RBA RWS NEACMarine IIIOil on canvas12 x 16 "
Jacqueline L Rizvi RBA RWS NEACMarine IVOil on canvas12 x 16 "
Jacqueline L Rizvi RBA RWS NEACNorth AtlanticOil on canvas23.5 x 28 "
Jacqueline L Rizvi RBA RWS NEACSummer Sea 2Oil on canvas8 x 10 "
Sue JonesLight, ed.3/20Bronze resin on oak26 x 34 x 9 "
Sue JonesRafferty, ed.3/20Bronze resin on oak33 x 35 x 8 "
Sue JonesRowan, ed.2/8Bronze on oak base35 x 27 x 9 "
Robert Kelsey DA MUniv PAI FRSAMorning Light, VeniceOil on linen16 x 28 "
Robert Kelsey DA MUniv PAI FRSAOlive Trees, TuscanyOil on linen16 x 28 "
Ken Howard OBE RA RBA NEACSelf PortraitWatercolour19 x 17.5 "Sold
Andrew King ROI NS EAGMA IEABoats and Reflections, The Norfolk Broadsoil on board12.5 x 14.5 "£ 895.00
Andrew King ROI NS EAGMA IEAEarly Morning Mist, Southwoldoil on board13.5 x 14.5 "£ 1,750.00
Andrew King ROI NS EAGMA IEAMorning Light, from the footpath, Slaughdenoil on board12.5 x 20.5 "£ 1,950.00
Peter KingAutumn Light, Ben LediOil on canvas27.5 x 27.5 "
Lewis Hazelwood-Horner RBAMorning WalkOil on canvas26 x 35 "
John Lines RBSA RSMA KASBest Start ThenOil on canvas18 x 24 "Sold
John Lines RBSA RSMA KASGlobal Warming Surprise FebruaryOil on canvas16 x 12 "Sold
John Lines RBSA RSMA KAS, Winters Pond
Ben Lowe, A Quiet Dance
Ben LoweCollusionOil on panel29.5 x 24 "
Thembalethu ManqunyanaAlarmed, Green Background (The Boss)Mixed media on paper40 x 30 "£ 2,200.00
Thembalethu ManqunyanaGreen Cap on RedMixed media on paper40 x 30 "Sold
Thembalethu ManqunyanaLooking Confused YellowMixed media on paper40 x 30 "Sold
Thembalethu ManqunyanaShocked on BlueMixed media on paper40 x 30 "Sold
Mary NewcombGeese Preening. c1980Graphite7.5 x 6 "Sold
Patsy McArthurEmergenceCharcoal and pastel on toned paper19 x 24 "
Patsy McArthurSurface SwimCharcoal and pastel on toned paper19 x 24 "Sold
Peter McLarenStill Life with Poppies and DaisiesOil on board36 x 30 "£ 8,000.00
Charles MurrayGeth SemaneMixed media14.5 x 6.5 "
Pamela Kay ARCA RWS RBA NEACPrimroses in Two BowlsOil on board6 x 7 "Sold
Pamela Kay ARCA RWS RBA NEACViolas on a Small TrayOil on board8 x 6 "£ 950.00
Joe Hargan DA PPAI PAI RGIEach to His OwnOil on canvas20 x 20 "Sold
Joe Hargan DA PPAI PAI RGIPinky and PerkyOil on canvas20 x 20 "Sold
Ronald Smith RGI PAI RSWMountains and CloudsOil on board12 x 16 "
Ronald Smith RGI PAI RSWYachtsOil on board25 x 24 "
Sandy Murphy RSW RGI PAIDusk Seggan Well GorgeOil on linen36 x 46 "
Sandy Murphy RSW RGI PAISpring FlowersOil on board20 x 24 "
Sandy Murphy RSW RGI PAIWinter EstuaryOil on canvas30 x 30 "
Sir Robin Philipson RA RSA FRSE RSWNovember RosesOil on board30 x 30 "£ 28,000.00
John Piper CHLong Melford Church (ed. 223/275)Lithograph18.5 x 24.5 "Sold
Vanessa Pooley FRSSLe Matin, ed. 2/19Bronze14 x 10 x 7 "£ 4,850.00
Mary Potter OBEBlue LandscapeOil on canvas30 x 32 "£ 12,000.00
Mary Potter OBESetting Sun, July 1962Oil on canvas18 x 16 "Sold
Salliann Putman RWS NEAC, Across the White Field
Salliann Putman RWS NEACFirst LightWatercolour and gouache10 x 10 "Sold
Salliann Putman RWS NEACTowards the Green HillsWatercolour and gouache8 x 8 "Sold
John Nash RAIpswich, circa 1923Ink9.5 x 11.5 "
Annie Williams RE RWS RBAMidsummer Still LifeWatercolour15 x 19 "
Stephanie RewHebeOil and 24ct gold leaf on panel16 x 12 "Sold
Stephanie RewMiss MidasOil on panel24 x 16 "
Stephanie RewMiss Midas IIOil on panel24 x 16 "
Charles Robert Owen Medley CBE RAGravesend 1947Ink and wash4.5 x 6.5 "
Charles Robert Owen Medley CBE RAThe Jokers 1936gouache12 x 29 "Sold
Charles Robert Owen Medley CBE RAThe Pier, Gravesend 1947Ink and wash4.5 x 6.5 "
Charles Robert Owen Medley CBE RATwo Figures (Wrestlers)Oil on board11.5 x 7 "
Serena RoweBlack PetuniaOil on board20 x 16 "
Serena RoweFlowers for LouiseOil on board20 x 16 "
Serena RoweTulip Study IIOil on board14 x 11 "
Jenny Matthews RSWCarefree Summer BorderWatercolour22' x 30 "Sold
Jenny Matthews RSWParadise for BeesWatercolour22 x 30 "Sold
David Sawyer RBAFishing Boats - Later Afternoon SkyOil on board12 x 24 "Sold
David Sawyer RBASeptember Light - AldeburghOil on board18 x 30 "Sold
David Sawyer RBAThe Negresco - NiceOil on board11.5 x 18.5 "
Edward Seago RWS RBA, Chateau Gaillard
Norman Smith PSEvening Light with TealOil on board19 x 24 "Sold
Norman Smith PSFields and Hills PortugalOil on board18 x 21 "Sold
Norman Smith PSWhimbrel on Evening ShoreOil on board21 x 24 "Sold
René SnymanHarvesting in High PlacesOil on canvas32 x 47 "Sold
René SnymanSorting the GrassOil on canvas24 x 35 "Sold
Sarah Spencer RAS VPNEACBlue Roomoil on panel7 x 5 "Sold
Sarah Spencer RAS VPNEACInterior with Armchairoil on panel9 x 6 "Sold
Sarah Spencer RAS VPNEACStairway Interioroil on panel9 x 7 "Sold
Simeon StaffordAldeburghOil on board24 x 48 "
Simeon StaffordAldeburgh BeachOil on board20 x 30 "
Simeon StaffordBus to MaryleboneOil on canvas20 x 48 "
Simeon StaffordWestminster BridgeOil on canvas20 x 48 "
Max Tannahill, Large Blue Boat 2022
Max TannahillSole. ed.2/10Bronze18 x 9 x 2 "Sold
Max TannahillToucan in a TreeMixed Media10 x 8.5 x 11 "Sold
Max TannahillTwo FishMixed media14 x 45 x 8 "Sold
Andrew TozerBeautiful St. Mawes, 2022Oil on canvas18 x 24 "Sold
Andrew TozerOn St Mawes Beach, 2022Acrylic on canvas39 x 47 "Sold
Andrew TozerReflections, Helford Passage Beach, 2022Oil on canvas18 x 24 "
Andrew Tozer, St. Mawes Afternoon
Andrew Tozer, Summer Boats
Andrew TozerSummer Colours, Helford Passage, 2022Acrylic on canvas39 x 47 "
Julian Trevelyan RA1930's LandscapeWatercolour14.5 x 21 "
Julian Trevelyan, Self Portrait ed.52/100
Julian Trevelyan RASpanish Encampment, 1930Watercolour14 x 21 "
James Tweedie RGIAt the Closing of the DayOil on canvas board20 x 16 "
James Tweedie RGIFleetingOil on canvas board20 x 16 "
James Tweedie RGIThe Light of the WorldOil on canvas board20 x 24 "
Jim UnsworthGreyhound Holding a Cushion, uniqueBronze12 x 6.5 x 2.5 "£ 4,200.00
Jim UnsworthGreyhound Pulling His Mat, uniqueBronze19 x 7.5 x 5.5 "£ 4,200.00
Jim UnsworthRearing Elephant Seated on a Blue Podium, uniqueBronze10.5 x 6 x 6.5 "£ 4,800.00
Jim UnsworthSeated Elephant on a Blue Podium, uniqueBronze8 x 5 x 6 "£ 3,300.00
Robert E Wells NEAC RBAChiara StudioOil on board10.5 x 10.5 "Sold
Robert E Wells NEAC RBAMirror, MirrorOil on board36 x 36 "
Robert E Wells NEAC RBASangento, Southern ItalyOil on board24 x 24 "
Robert E Wells NEAC RBAWind SockOil on board14 x 18 "
Sir William Russell Flint RA PPRWA RSWSt.Paul du Varwatercolour8 x 14 "£ 4,950.00
Sir William Russell Flint RA PPRWA RSWSussex Inletwatercolour6 x 9 "Sold
Sir William Russell Flint RA PPRWA RSWThree Standing FiguresRed Conté4.5 x 6 "Sold
Sir William Russell Flint RA PPRWA RSWWestern Headlands, near Mora, Inverness-shireWatercolour10.5 x 14 "£ 2,750.00
Gordon WilsonBiddy and Betty's Suffolk SojournOil on canvas on panel12 x 12 "Sold
The largest of the galleries' exhibitions, the Annual Exhibition features Modern British and contemporary artists, some new, some regulars, some returning faces, and some we could never leave out!